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2004 - 2025 in viaggio da 21 anni

Azonzo Travel®

Azonzo Travel® wants to be the preferred tour operator of smart travellers, the point of reference for people who love to travel far and wide, spurred by an idea, a desire or the need to explore different lands, civilizations, religions and cultures.

Azonzo Travel® plans and organizes custom travels based on the specific needs of each client, keeping in mind his or her desires, available time and budget. We can also provide all the information the client needs to help determine the best period for the trip, the most interesting places to visit, the necessary bureaucratic documents and any required health measures.

Azonzo Travel, moreover, plans and organizes ready special travels packages of high quality for small groups. The intention is the one to link these travels to a special topic, cultural or naturalistic, and to give an added value to customers who are always more desirous to make the travel experience an important formative moment of cultural and personal enrichment.

Azonzo Travel® is therefore your ideal partner for planning and organizing the travel you have in mind. It is the Tour Operator that turns your dreams into thrilling vacations.

For more information please contact:
Mr. Fabio Chisari (Founder & C.E.O.)
Mobile +39 340 4763379

Azonzo Travel a Porta a Porta

Fabio Chisari, Founder & C.E.O. di Azonzo Travel, parla in RAI, a PORTA A PORTA.

Azonzo Travel a Uno Mattina

Fabio Chisari, Founder & C.E.O. di Azonzo Travel, parla in RAI, a UNO MATTINA, dei viaggi per l'estate 2016 - 22/06/2016.

Azonzo Travel a Radio News 24

Fabio Chisari, Founder & C.E.O. di Azonzo Travel, intervistato da Radio News 24.